18.08.2020 NEWS

O2 Unveil Living billboard to encourage nation to Go Green.

Have you happened to be in Shoreditch and noticed O2’s huge living billboard? You’ll find it on the corner where Quaker Street meets Commerical Street, E1 6BA.

On the 10th August O2 revealed their plantable living billboard to celebrate their four-week ‘Go’ Campaign on priority.

The Billboard is made from Pistachio stems which reveal an environmentally friendly ‘Go Green’ Message.

You can tear off A6 posters which are made entirely from wild-flower seed paper, you can then take this home and use to grow your own plants – what a fantastic idea!

The ‘Go’ Campaign provides O2 customers with a wide array of amazing exclusive experiences. Trying to encourage customers to try something new as we slowly start to see life returning to normal. A virtual talk with a wildlife photographer and filmmaker, a dining experience with an overnight stay at a luxury hotel, have already been offered to customers. Still to come is the chance for free tickets to a family-friendly virtual rave and to win a getaway to restorative retreat.

You can download the O2 Priority app via the app store, or by texting PRIORITY to 2020.

Tracey Herald, Head of Partnerships and Social Impact at O2, said: “Over the past few months, we’ve all seen the profound impact changing our behaviours can have on the environment. We want to encourage the nation to keep up the good work and return to the new normal in a more environmentally friendly way. Priority’s unique billboard, and the Go Green week of offers are designed to do just that, giving our customers a wealth of fantastic incentives to help them embrace both greener lifestyles and choices.”

So if you’re in the area, why not take a selfie in front of the billboard and tag us on Social media.


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